Dr. Anna E. Lee is a pediatrician in Oceanside, CA. She has over 20 years of experience in general pediatric medicine and has worked in a variety of settings, from a solo practice to a small group practice to a larger pediatric group practice.
During her years as a pediatrician, Dr. Lee realized that she felt most fulfilled when she was working as a solo practice pediatrician, allowing her to fully care for her patients, whether it’s for a minor cold, ongoing chronic illness management, or a routine physical.
Each visit allows her to get to know her patients and their families, allowing her to fully engage in individualized care, based on sound evidenced-based medicine. She feels this approach allows patients and their families to feel comfortable when asking questions to further understand complicated disease and developmental issues. This, in turn, leads to more satisfying interpersonal relationships for Dr. Lee.
She truly enjoys helping patients and families navigate through the complexities of pediatric medicine and development. For her, fulfillment comes when patients and their families feel more equipped to understand options for treatment plans and embrace preventive care recommendations.
Press & Videos
Back to School Tips(Carlsbad Lifestyle Magazine)
Tri-City Medical Center Introduction video